again just to be clear
    This is why being shy ( or even worse that clingy "nice guy" who acts like a retarded passive/agressive puppy) will never get you laid. By acting in these manners you are announcing to the world that no woman wants you.
    On the other hand when you are confident, when you act as if you could care less whether this particular girl hooks up with you or not, you are announcing that plenty of high quality women find you attractive. You must always communicate ( through your actions not words) that there are Plenty of high quality women waiting in the wings. That way a woman will feel you are choosing her out of the competition " He could be with any girl and he chose me" that is the feeling women want. No woman will be attracted to you if she feels she is the only option you have.
    Tl;DR: woman want to feel that they beat out stiff competition in order to be chosen as the target of your affections. You must always communicate to women, through your actions and attitude, that this stiff competition exists even if it doesn't. WOMEN WANT MEN OTHER WOMEN WANT

    EDIT: this is getting a lot of eyeballs so I wanted to edit in order to maximize my usefulness. let' s talk about two things you should ALWAYS avoid doing with any woman you are sexually interested in.
    1. "Putting the Pussy On a Pedestal" sometimes referred to as "oneitis" this is when you tell a girl before you are in a serious relationship with her ( sometimes before your first sexual encounter with her) or otherwise commmunicate to her through your actions that you worship her/fawn over her/are obsessed with her.
    "But Mothman83" you say " i want to be romantic! chicks love all those guys in films who do all these kinds of romantic overtures" Right you are ! women do love romantic overtures from " those guys in a film". know what the difference between them and you is? any guy who is the lead characther in a multimillion dollar film is by definitionextremely high value! they are most definitely the kind of man other woman want! so much so that they can carry a major motion picture and assure a return on a multimillion dollar investment! What I mean by this is simple.. next time you hear a woman waxing poetic about a film charachter played by Ryan Gosling( or any other film hearthtrob) who was shy and sensitive and secretly in love with his best friend and wooed her through romantic gestures and mushy love letters and what not... please realize that women do want this kind of behavior and attention... from a man who they know is as desired by other women as Ryan Goseling is!!!! So again...If you happen to already be the undisputed alpha male of the social circle the girl belongs too ( for example you are both in your senior year of high school and you just got elected Homecoming king while being president of Student Government and quarterback of the football team) then by all means drop an over the top romantic gesture on the girl of your choice and watch her melt in front of you. after all you would then be the real life equivalent of " that guy in that film". However, If you are reading this i feel confident in assuming this isn't your situation. Pay attention to what i am about to say very closely:
    Woman want romantic overtures from guys they already have determined are high status " men other women want" ...but you can never portray this high status by doing fawning overtures out of the blue! In order for your romantic overture to have the desired effect you must first demonstrate to them you are the kind of man other woman want. Starting with fawning is counterproductive on this front. Why? simple..... if you are willing to invest this much energy and resources into wooing one girl out of the blue..what are the chances that you have plenty of willing mates waiting in the wings? what are the chances that you are " the kind of man other women want"? ..The girl you are wooing is trying to determine for reasons i explain in detail in this post whether or not you are " the kind of man other women want". Assuming you are not a terribly public figure, she is going to be using your behavior to determine this. IF you act in a fawning manner then you are basically saying" i have determined you are the only girl i have chance of scoring with, therefore i will now put all my time and resources into attempting to sleep with you".Your actions are telling her you are very low value and not the kind of man other woman want. Therefore your overture is now viewed as "creepy" as opposed to romantic and you have now likely sabotaged your chances of sleeping with this girl.
    do you know what is EVEN WORSE than putting the pussy on a pedestal?:
    Bitching about how evil women are
    Dear god PLEASE FOR ALL THAT IS HOLY STOP WHINING ABOUT YOUR EX, GETTING "FRIENDZONED" ( don't even use this term near any woman! in fact i strongly recommend you remove this term from your vocabulary altogether!)OR HOW WOMEN MISTREAT YOU or HOW WOMEN ONLY WANT TO DATE JERKS AND NOT NICE GUYS LIKE YOU ( newsflash:if you have ever said this in public you are not a nice guy) within earshot of any woman you are interested in.
    Please control yourself and SHUT UP .....apart from instantly making you a whiny asshole you are literally spraying yourself with "pussy repellent" when you do this.
    Hey remember how i keep telling you that WOMEN WANT MEN OTHER WOMEN WANT and how women, when they meet you, are trying to asses whether or not in fact you are the type of man that other women want?
    What exactly do you think happens when you TELL THEM that iyou have problems with women? that it is a problem for you to get laid? that you resent women because they wont sleep with you?
    that is right you are telling them that you are NOT the kind of man other women want. You are basically nuking your chances of ever sleeping with any woman who hears your whining. And yes i have seen many men do this. You wouldn't believe how many men whine to women about this either out of a total lack of self control, a total lack of self awareness, or chasing an imaginary creature called a "pity fuck".

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