• How to Touch Her Like a Man!

    How should I touch her?

    Make it easy: Early and often is the rule!

    Make physical contact very early in your interaction with a girl. The easiest way to do this is to touch her on the shoulder or arm to get her attention.
    The reason you need to make contact early on is because those first few moments set up the frame for the rest of your interaction. This is where you’re establishing the rules for how you and the girl will interact. If there’s no contact at all, even if the conversation is going great, when you go to initiate kino 30 minutes in, it’s going to be awkward, all the attention will be on it, and it’s like you’ve just smashed through a plate glass window.
    On the other hand, if you initiate kino from the start, now your interaction is one where light physical contact is the norm and completely acceptable. Your next contact will not be nearly so awkward, if it’s even awkward at all. Don’t wait too long to kino a second time though, because the parameters of your interaction can change. Go too long with no contact and that wall starts to get built up between you. Early and often.

    How the heck do you do this?
    Many guys complain that they just don’t know how to kino, and that it’s always awkward, even if they do it right from the start. The only cure for this is experience. The first time you ever kiss a girl it’s going to be weird and you’re not going to do it very well. There is no amount of reading you can do that will prepare you though, you just have to learn what it’s supposed to feel like and become comfortable through experience.
    If you need a crutch to facilitate kino, there are a lot of routines where physical contact is integral. Palm reading is a good choice, if you’re in to giving girls chick crack and can take yourself seriously while doing it. Another option is learning a few magic tricks, as there are a lot that involve placing something in a girl’s hand, or moving her hands around for any number of reasons — “Hold your hands outs. …No, like this,” and you move them into the correct position.
    And of course, high fives. Always an easy go-to move. The trick is (for some reason I don’t understand) to look at the person’s elbow. You’ll never miss.

    Don’t be needy
    Not being needy is just a great rule for life, but it is especially relevant to kino. It’s easy to get way too excited about finally being able to touch a girl, and you just want to escalate, escalate, escalate. You haven’t touched a girl in forever, so you’re trying to get in as much contact as you can. You’re like a camel filling up on water at an oasis, and the girl will definitely pick up on this. Once she realizes that this is a novel experience for you, you’ll have exposed your low value, and she’ll be turned off.
    Treat kino as an opportunity for push/pull. When you kiss her, be the one to break it off. End it while she’s still wanting more, talk for a while, and then kiss her again a few minutes later. This sends two messages; first that you’re not desperate for a little action, and second that you’re actually interested in her as a person. Every girl knows that you want to kiss her, what she’s hoping is that you’ll also want to talk to her after. So talk to her after.

    Proximity Matters
    Think about standing close to each other as a form of kino. You will occasionally have some light bumps in to each other, and you can pick up a lot of cues based on how she responds to that. Does she move away so that you don’t accidentally touch again? Or does she stay right where she is? You’ll also build a lot of sexual tension just by standing very close. Even without contact, she’s aware of your body’s presence, can feel the heat coming off you, and it’s almost like a static charge begins to build up.

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