• How to Throw a Good Party

    1) Have A Cool Place 

    It doesn't have to be YOUR place. If you have contacts working at nice pubs, you can organize happy hours, or meet-ups, and get specials going. You'd be surprised - a lot of places will give you specials just for asking - just ask them whether you could get any specials if you bring a group of 15-20 people in the next week. Or maybe your friend's house, who also likes to throw parties? Or how about the park? It don't matter, holmes, work with what you got.

    2) Have a Fun Activity or Theme to Anchor the Event 

    Is it a dance party? A cool hat party (more fun than it sounds)? A barbecue? A Twister party? A movie-drinking game party? A video game drinking party? A "log into Omegle/Chatroulette" and mess with strangers party? A make your own pizza party? A karaoke/murder mystery party?
    You get to decide, bro - just make sure it's something 80 percent of the people who are there will have fun with. So, obviously, dancing, drinking, and eating will be the most common activities.
    You can shake it up by adding things to that, though - not even 3 weeks from now, I'll be having a party at my house where I'll have classic Super Mario Bros, meaning literally anyone can learn the controls and play even if they suck at it, and house rules are that if you die you drink, if you beat a level, everyone else drinks. Add music and dancing, and people will start taking off their clothes. Just like last time.

    3) Invite All the People Whose Parties YOU Would go to 

    These people are just like you. They're fun, they don't sit on their ass waiting for something cool to happen to them, and they have OTHER friends that will follow them off a cliff if it looks like a good time. The coolest, most fun thing you have have going on in a party is multiple people's social energy and momentum added to yours.
    And, if it's not clear, invite lots of women, and get your friends to bring ladies too.

    4) Be a Good Host 

    This is important. This is what will make you a leader, if not THE leader of your social group. This doesn't mean spending a fuck ton of money, this doesn't mean being a doormat for everyone at your event. Shoot, half the time I tell people to bring their own liquor - a lot of times they show up with something mid or top shelf just for me. That's because they know that I will give them a great time in return, and fun people happy to contribute resources and money to a good time.
    But, you invited people for a reason, right? You probably like them, or are at least vaguely interested in what they do for a living. Talk to them. Talk to everyone. It a) let's everyone know that you're the guy who can get them what they need, and b) is just overall great for building your confidence and leadership mindset. You are the one in charge of your party - so BE VISIBLY the one in charge.

    5) What Does this Have to do with Seduction? 

    Well, it makes you a badass mofo within your social group, and the wealth of data that I and my friends have collected in the field seems to indicate that ladies enjoy having fun guys. If you're not into that, make sure the party rules expressly declare that there shall be no gang-banging. Cause, it can happen.

    By Broski

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